Sunday 11 August 2013

Maybelline Baby Lips Review

The Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balms were FINALLY released in the UK a few weeks ago.  I bought all 6 of them as Boots were doing a 3 for the price of 2 deal on them so pretty much got 2 free.  First of all I like the packaging, the colours are fun and cute.  Although that is personal taste, I've heard people comment on how they dislike the packaging for it.
All the balms glide on so easily.  I was expecting them to be hard and tug on the lips during application but it did the opposite.  There are 3 SPF ones: Hydrate (blue with pink letter) has a lemon scent, Mint Fresh (green with purple letter) obviously has a lemon scent and Intense Care (yellow with orange letter) has a cherry scent.  The other 3 have a slight tint to them, it isn't a full on tint.  Pink Punch (pink with yellow letter) has a passion fruit scent with a slight pink tint, Cherry Me (orange with red letters) has a lovely cherry scent with a slight red tint and Peach Kiss (purple with peach letters) has peach scent with a slight nude tint.
I bought these lip balms as soon as they were released so I've had a couple of weeks to try each one out and although I would use all of them I do have my favourites.  I love Pink Punch and right now my lips are very cracked and sore so I am find Hydrate is helping them.  I like to put Mint Fresh on  before bedtime as well for some reason.
I recommend them, for £2.99 each from Boots I am impressed with them.  I really hope that Maybelline release more of them in the UK.  I would love to try to Electro collection next.
~* Jo *~

Thursday 8 August 2013

Skincare routine update and life

So I have been very MIA recently but with it being the summer holidays I have been busy with my daughter.  It is hard to keep her entertained now she doesn't go to nursery for 2.5 hours a day! lol  It was also her 5th birthday at the weekend.  Her dad and I had decided to split the day with her this year so she spent the morning and afternoon at his and then came home at 4pm.  I am having a birthday tea for her this weekend with the family and I've ordered a really fancy cake, I literally cannot wait to see it!
Just over 2 weeks ago I blogged about my skincare routine.  I have been doing routine for nearly a month now and I am so impressed with it.  I find the cleansing wash a bit thick though, it does the job but the pump is hard to press down.  The dryness on my forehead and nose has cleared up, my foundation no longer looks cake-y anymore.  My skin feels so much more hydrated now.
I have got a few blogs lined up for the next few days including a review of the 6 Maybelline Baby Lips lip balms that have been released in the UK so far and an MUA haul and review.
~* Jo *~